Monday, January 3, 2011

What Is a Blog

You heard about it, you may think about it, and you may wandered are the legends about it are actually true. Something strange about this that you may be reading it everyday without even realizing that you are actually doing it. Bcoz every time u read about manga, sport news, political news, celebrities updates, fashions, new hardwares, new games, and what ever you like to browse when wasting time in the internet, u are actually reading a BLOG! And you might even have one! So what is the big deal anyway? Here I would like to share what is a blog and why is it HOLYSHIT so damn POWERFUL!! OWNAGE!!

It was just yesterday yang I publish about "Why la do I Blog". Then it struct me, I bagi the reasons on why la do I blog but I never actually tahu what is a blog really is. It is as if why do u do it when u don't even know what it is and what is it meant for. So with a little bit of procrastination I googled information about what is a blog. Rajin2kanlah diri anda membaca summary di bawah.

A blog is just another website. However, it is not the same as the old stationary websites. A blog is featured with the ease of adding new posts or what we call updates. How and what will be about the updates are all depend on the blog owner/owners. Through time more and more updates will be post in a collectable manner that it will form an archives of articles. Bcoz of this ease of archives and browsing it, blog is also known as an online journal.

What is most unique about blogging a post is you may able to get comments from responders. Now if u rase nak tau are u pretty enuf or just nak tau why are u always lose in DoTA, then blogging might be a good way. By receiving comments, u'll get interactions from maybe ur fans or from ppl who shares the same interest as you. Who knows u will find better solutions or additional info from your correspondent. Comments make it possible for 2 ways interactions, where u can discuss and share on similar topic. So seriously, nak tau are u pretty just post it in ur blog. I sure punyerlah ramai yang x jemu2 nak bagi comment.

Through time, your blog may developed loyal readers who just love to read all of your nonsense. This is just because you and them share the similar interest. I think this is why blogging is powerful. You are able to reach out a large community which is not just some random community. They are the same community that have some kind of similar concern with yours. And through blogging, you and them are able to connect and share. Wow in terms of communication, blogging is a wonder.

Blog has been made so special because it was made personal. Blog owners are free to post anything, do whatever they prefer and viewers could do not a single damn thing about it. Feel free to post about I've gain weight, I wan't to poligami, I'm a noob or just anything. It just a matter of attraction loss or attraction gain due to the style of bloggers. Nevertheless, being soo you is why we love reading your blog. Keep it up guys!

A cool video I jumpe dlm youtube about blog.