Saturday, January 8, 2011


Kesah about a mother and her innocent boy.....

Why aku choose GMi

"Adik, hidup nih bagaikan perjalanan menuju satu tujuan. Dalam perjalanan nih kite akan lalu banyak persimpangan. Disebabkan ia merupakan simpang, kite hanya boleh pilih satu arah jalan sahaja ketika itu untuk maju ke hadapan. Ada simpang yang senang jer kite nak pilih, ada simpang yang susah kite nak decide. Ada arah jalan yang menyebabkan perjalanan kite makin susah dan ada arah jalan yang straight, lurusjer tanpa bnyk masalah utk kite sampai destinasi tujuan. Ada juga arah yang merupakan jalan mati, dead end, dan kite terpaksa patah balik pergi simpang asal. Selepas kita pilih simpang itu barangkali kite akan jumpe lagi simpang yang lain dan kene buat tindakan yang sama, pilih yang mana satu. Tapi yang penting kan adik, setiap kali kite sampai persimpangan, kite x akan tau arah mane yang lagi bagus, kite hanya boleh buat perbandingan, dan kite harus pilih."

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Korea, Korea dan Korea

Pagi nih x silap aku dah tgk dah crite Korea. Petang tuh pulak tgk lagi crite Korea. Hmmm...malam tuh pulak ade lagi crite Korea. Bukak computer ade jer crite Korea download. DVD pown ade Korea. Ergghhh. Naseb baek awek die cun2. Ske jugak aku tumpang tgk. XD

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I Want A Brand New Computer

Honestly I never encounter this situation when I was a primary nor secondary student: "Awak, kenapa laptop I ade masalah cegini?", "Eh ape yang kte perlu tgk kalau nak beli laptop baru?", atau pown "Adi tolong teman aku beli laptop baru. Nanti aku blanja makan eh." Hehe. Blanja me makan sedap2 pls! Seriously even how geek I may looked like I'm not an expert. Based on my prior knowledge if you are trying to buy a new computer, this is what you may consider:

Wawasan of New Year

It was that time again of the year. Where we can only witness a change of only a single digit number. Seriously that's all what a New Year could only give you. But you guys just tamak and want more. You want a New Year's resolution. Now here is a fact about New Year's resolution: 

Monday, January 3, 2011

What Is a Blog

You heard about it, you may think about it, and you may wandered are the legends about it are actually true. Something strange about this that you may be reading it everyday without even realizing that you are actually doing it. Bcoz every time u read about manga, sport news, political news, celebrities updates, fashions, new hardwares, new games, and what ever you like to browse when wasting time in the internet, u are actually reading a BLOG! And you might even have one! So what is the big deal anyway? Here I would like to share what is a blog and why is it HOLYSHIT so damn POWERFUL!! OWNAGE!!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Why la do I Blog

I guess for those yang know me personally will react like this when diorg tau I ada blog....
a) OMG!! This guy ade blog!! Seriously? What happen?
b) I loike!! (You and 9 other friends like this)
c) Sure noob one..don't have to read oso we already know
d) Good job!! Well done!! Keep up the good work
e) Ah.....................=_=
f) _________________________________________
and so on....i leave it blank so u guys can fill it sendiri.

But it will all point to the same thing at the end. Which is kenapa start Blogging?